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How to Conserve Bread




How to Conserve Bread is a short video game inspired animation about a species of bread tortoises. The main character Mita is eager to start his adventure to save the bread tortoise species! Over the years these bread tortoises have faced near extinction. Ever since humans stumbled upon the Island, tortoises began to go mysteriously missing without a trace, leaving nothing behind but a few crumbs. Mita might be the only hope these tortoises have left before they are completely wiped out. Will Mita defeat the humans and save his kind?


This animation is based on a series of food drawings that I've done in the past. I've always been interested in animals and cooking so combining the two was an idea that I fell in love with. I often take inspiration from my personal life as well as events that happen around the world. Such as the protests during the 1970’s  advocating for the conservation of the devil’s hole pupfish, a species of fish that can only be found in this small body of water. The animation also features many other animals that currently face extinction or are extinct already due to human impact.

  • Galapagos Tortoises

  • Hawaiian tree snail

  • Pangolins

  • Bluespotted ribbontail ray

  • Wild Axolotls






After Effects


Premiere Pro


Quarter-Finalist for Emerging Filmmakers 19-24

Scout Film Festival Emerging Filmmakers Grant

Selected to be in festival for Animated work

Short Short Fest Animated Works 

Selected to be in festival for short film content

First-Time Filmmaker Sessions @ PinewoodStudios

Outstanding Achievement in Creative Visual Design

Resilience: 2022 UConn Digital Media & Design BFA Senior Exhibition



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